After finishing writing the Her Views Turned on a Dime, in regards to my mother's coercing of the abortion, I figured I needed to write the following before I continue any further. I have a few questions running through my mind.
I am wondering what my mother's true feelings were when she found out I was pregnant. Was she truly supportive of the pregnancy and my choice to keep the baby, at first? Did she want me to have an abortion from the start? Was her "support" a rouse to relax me and gain my trust? Was she talking to "pro-choice" persons as soon as she found out I was pregnant? Was she waiting for the "right timing" to spring forth coercing me into the abortion? Had she been given talking points from Planned Parenthood or another abortion center about how to coerce me? What did they tell her, if so? Did they tell her I may object? And how to counter my objections? If there were crisis pregnancy centers at the time did they tell her? If so, did they tell her how to avoid having me considering contacting them? Did they tell her that I may bring up the suggestion of adoption?
Did they give her all the information in regards to abortion? Yet, tell her to avoid any of the "grisly" details? Or did they give her the "cute little phrases" and tired old tripe talking points? My mother should have known the details. As she had been a hospital nurse before I was born, along with working in a doctor's office after my parents' divorce. My mother wasn't clueless about all the details involved in pregnancy.
Of course women who have been pregnant know the basic details about babies, pregnancy and birth. But she knew the ins and outs details of the biology and terminology from conception to birth. She still had her biology books from nursing school in the early 70's on her book shelf. Along with books with updated info, from the early to mid 80's.
Did she know that complications, needless complications, can result from abortion? Did she know that women still die from "legal" abortions? Did she know that babies get torn to bits while being sucked through the vacuum? Did she know that the abortion vacuum is 29 times more powerful than a household vacuum? Did she know that damage can be done to the body; i.e. cervix, uterus? Did she know that such damage can cause miscarriages in future pregnancies due to weak cervix muscles? Did she know that overall infertility can be caused due to the damage? Did she know that women who have had abortion can have a higher risk of breast cancer? Did she know that women who have had abortions have a higher risk of suicide than any other groups of women? Did she know that many, if not most, women who have aborted babies have regrets, whether soon after or many years down the road? Despite what she told me during the coercion? Did she not know that messing with a pregnant woman's body is damaging and not right, along with being very invasive?
I really would truly like to believe that she really was supportive of me and my child, her grandchild, at the beginning. But it does make one wonder how she could switch views over something as trite as a dumb old unpaid speeding ticket!
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