Thursday, December 11, 2014

Playing with Spiders and Snakes!

Spiders and snakes are gross, icky and scary!  Am I right?  Why in the heck am I writing about spiders and snakes on a pro-life post abortive blog?  Doesn't make sense does it?

Here is how it makes sense.  Being post abortive means I need to come to terms with the events of both abortions.  This is a scary leap.  I have been reading Kindle e-books written by women who have had abortions.  Ah, technology.  Purchase it online and receive on your mobile device faster than a meal from McDs.  Following pro-life pages on Facebook.  Reading pro-life blogs, websites and news.  Watching YouTube videos.  And of course, following Twitter.

So here I am reading my Twitter newsfeed.  Seeing gruesome stories about abortion.  Reading about unethical "doctors" being caught doing bad stuff to patients victims and/or having unsanitary clinics.  Seeing pictures of abortion "procedures" and post abortive babies.  These pictures are gross.

So why am I doing this?  Why would I subject myself to such sights?  It is almost like staring at a car wreck.  You know you shouldn't look.  You don't want to look.  But you do.  I believe this is part of my healing process.  For so long the memories didn't seem real.  This makes it real.  As painful as it may be, it needs to be made real and confronted.  I have heard that people with phobias need to be confronted directly with their fears.  Whatever they are afraid of they need to touch it, see it, hear it, or be near it.  Confronting the abortion issue is to me what handling icky things like spiders and snakes are to those with phobias.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you sir, for taking the time to read and comment. Only through God's Grace can I confront the issue and allow the words to flow through.
