Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hey You!

When you kill a child you also kill her mother, and sometimes father. If not physically, in the soul. And by "you" I am not just talking about the actual abortionist, but yeah, him too. Nor just his "assistants," but yeah, them too.

YOU are society. YOU are the politicians. YOU are the psychologists and sociologists. YOU are the "oh so enlightened" "inclusive" church that embraces "feminism."

Closer to home; YOU are the parents of the pregnant woman. YOU are her other family members. YOU are her husband, boyfriend, lover, or whatever. YOU are her teachers or advisers YOU are her boss or coworkers. YOU are her friends. YOU are her roommate. YOU are her neighbor.

Where were any of YOU when she needed you? Maybe YOU talked her into the abortion. Maybe YOU litterally forced it upon her. Maybe YOU were nonchalant about it and told her it was "her choice." Maybe YOU weren't even there for her, acting as though she weren't even pregnant. Maybe YOU tried to tamp her enthusiasm when she showed excitement towards her pregnancy and talked of the future with her baby. Maybe YOU thought you were doing "the right thing" when telling her to abort.

And YOU, don't think YOU are being let off the hook. Yeah, YOU, the woman in the mirror. I'm talking to YOU also. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Unless YOU were forced against your will, YOU are not totally blameless. YOU could have done something to save your child(ren). Couldn't you have? Didn't you know about other options? Did YOU even make an effort to check out other options? What about pregnancy care centers? What about adoption services? What about churches, or other religious organizations? Did YOU mention any of this to those around you trying to convince YOU to abort? What was there reaction? Why didn't they want YOU to research said options?


  1. You certainly made up for lost time with this one. Very powerful piece.

  2. Thanks. Been a super busy summer. Actually started a post at the begining of summer. Never got back to it. Still saved though.
