Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Things that Make You Go Hmmmm...

I have wanted the first few posts of this here little blog to be of my own personal story, then onto linking to other stories.  But then again, not everything is "perfectly planned as we want it to be" ;) .  I have been trying to come up with the words to continue my story.  I am a follower of many pro-life organizations on FB.  One of them being National Right to Life.  Just came across one post that links to their main website, that really made me think and feel the need to share now.  It is titled 10 amazing things that happen to babies before birth

Completely shoots down the whole "It's just a clump of cells" or "It's just a blob of tissue" myths.  Some of this is just amazing.  It is lies that I was told by my own mother when she coerced me to have the abortion done.  Such as the "blob" will feel no pain.  It has no brain.  I will get more into details of the coercion in future postings.  In the meantime, check this out;
Anything in italics is my own commentary

1) “On the first day following fertilization, the human embryo is identifiable as a specific individual human being on a molecular level.”

2) A Baby’s Heart Begins to Beat at 21 Days.  
Perhaps I had already known that during the coercion, but in the bullying down from family my mind was so confused that I wasn't even thinking that.

3) At 2 to 3 Weeks, a Baby’s Brain is the “First Organ to Appear.”

4) A Baby May Feel Physical Pain as Early as His Fifth Week.
Dear God in heavan!  Why!?  Why does no one tell you this!?  In fact, they tell you just the opposite!

5) A Baby’s Kidneys are Present at Only 5 Weeks.

6) A Baby’s Brainwaves Can be Measured at 6 Weeks Old.
Wow, just wow!  All I can say.

7) At 6 Weeks, a Baby Will Move Away if His Mouth is Touched.

8) A Baby’s Ear Can Begin to be Seen Around 6 Weeks.

9) A Baby Has Fingerprints at 9-10 Weeks.

10) A Baby Can Suck Her Thumb and Yawn at 9 1/2 Weeks Old.

This is just the synopsis of the main article.  Please click the link above or here for the full article.

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