Oh no, liberals and feminists wouldn't like those names! That's not very empowering, nor conforming to the "my body, my choice" false narrative.
Now what am I yammering about?
Yesterday across the internet was talk about a Twitter tweet that stated "We need a disney (sic) princess who's had an abortion, We need a disney (sic) princess who's pro-choice." Originating from Planned Parenthood Keystone of Trexlertown, Pennsylvania. The tweet had been deleted an hour or so after posting.
I had first read of the tweet from an LCMS Life Ministry post on Facebook. The news was rather new at the time. With a few of the comments being "this is fake news," mostly from pro-choicers. One comment gold was "it was deleted because it's fake news" or something to that effect. Yeah, that really makes no sense. The person who was saying this is essentially admitting that the tweet existed. So how is it fake news, if the tweet existed? My head hurts.
So I went on about my day. Then I read an article from The Dailywire, about the deleted tweet. "Oh no, The Dailywire has a conservative bent!" Yes, The Dailywire does lean conservative, but they are probably the most reliable news/editorial site out there. Be it conservative or liberal.
Then as the evening went on the subject became a trending news item on Facebook. Many well known news sites were writing about it. Those having mostly a liberal bent. Instead of linking to a few, I shall link to search results; https://www.bing.com/search?q=disney+princess+planned+parenthood+tweet+&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=disney+princess+planned+parenthood+tweet+&sc=0-41&sk=&cvid=10B0F9F7F25E408B93AFE217BCFF9643
OK, so I don't have any small children. So why do I even care? Eh, I'm not completely sure.
Perhaps it could be the whole screeching of "Fake news!" from those who don't like being confronted with the truth of what their "side" is doing. Actually, I have a future post on that running through my puny little head. Be warned ain't nobody gonna be safe!
Perhaps there could be the aspect of being sad that there are people out there wanting to impress their agendas upon children, the future of our country and world. If there is any time in history where children should have their innocence preserved, it is now.
When I was young enough to be interested in Disney cartoons most of them were replays from my mother's childhood, being shown at movie theaters. I never took them serious. It was just fantasy. I liked the pretty dresses. I did question "how did they 'live happily ever after'?"
Personally, I preferred the original Grimm's Fairytales, that Disney took and sugar coated. Tragic endings, sometimes. But there were moral tales, without it being filled with agendas.
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